Sesame Street Episode 4303 - Hansel & Gretel's Playdate with Big Bird

Hansel & Gretel's Playdate with Big Bird
Season 43

What’s the Word on the Street? : Remember

SCENES: Big Bird welcomes the viewer stating that Hansel and Gretel will arrive any minute for their playdate. Their parents drop them off and tell them that they will meet exactly in the same spot. But the two realize: how will they find their way back to the station? They leave a trail of cookie crumbs instead of breadcrumbs and make their way toward Big Bird.

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They call Big Bird to begin playing, but Cookie Monster pops up, having eaten the entire trail of crumbs. The two are afraid that they won’t find the way back to the Station, but Big Bird suggests, that they make a new trail and he leads them back to the station while listing all the directional landmarks on the way.

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Big Bird goes back to his nest, while the two make another trail, but this time, using paper, as Cookie Monster doesn’t eat paper. Just as they reach the nest, Big Bird notices paper flying around! Their trail has blown away! Big Bird again helps them to get back to the station and goes back to his nest while the two make another trail.

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Hansel has got an idea – leave a trail of fish! Cookie Monsters don’t eat them, and they can’t get blown away. But once they reach the nest again, their trail is being used by the Fabulous Flying Fish Jugglers! Big Bird has a different solution – just remember the way back! They use the directional landmarks and their memory and they found the way back. 

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Sadly, their parents arrive shortly after to come to pick the two up. When they go back to the train, the parents see that their schnitzel trail is gone! Hansel and Gretel think their parents need a lesson in remembering!

CelebritiesAbby and Eric Stonestreet explain the word “remember”.

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CartoonA girl goes to a store to buy a loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter.

MuppetsAbby’s Flying Fairy School is coming up and Murray’s belly is big and makes him bounce. He got a case of the letter B!

AnimationTwo Siblings love B words.

MuppetsTelly appears by Oscar’s trash can to talk about the letter B.

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MuppetsMurray and the girls introduce Abby’s Flying Fairy School.

AnimationIn class, the students will use their senses to study the water in their water table. But Blogg rather wants to study his sludge balls instead which causes a lot of trouble. They use their senses to get the sludge balls out of the water and succeed!

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Song“Ziggy Says”

MuppetsBert and Ernie’s Great Adventure is coming up, but first, Murray presses the Overjitas button.

AnimationCounting 17 mushrooms in the garden.

MuppetsMurray and the kids introduce Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventure.

AnimationErnie and Bert try to find the Loch Ness Monster and actually find it. They talk with her and Nessie says that she is actually very shy and wants to be left alone. He wanted to take a picture of her but instead gives her one of him.

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Song“Ziggy Says” (Part Two)

MuppetsElmo the Musical is coming, but first, Murray introduces us to the museum of modern remembering.

Muppets: Oscar introduces GrouchBO hit series, True Mud.

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CartoonCowboy hat / boot pattern

MuppetsMurray and Daphnie introduce “Elmo the Musical”

MuppetsElmo imagines himself as a sea captain, whose goal is to find Moby Pink.

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MuppetsSesame Street Episode 4303 is ending. Murray announces the sponsors.

1 comment:

  1. Sesame Street was brought to you today by the letter B and by the number 17.
