Sesame Street Episode 3962 - Elmo makes a collage

Sesame Street Episode 3962
Elmo makes a collage
Season 32

Sesame Street Episode 3962

Sesame Street Episode 3962

Sesame Street Episode 3962

Sesame Street Episode 3962 appears in the 32nd season. The name of the Episode is Elmo makes a collage. The air date of the episode is March 6, 2001. The number of the Episode is 2 and the letter is B. The celebrity guests of Episode 3962 are Chuck Close and B. B. King (Riley B. King).


  1. Sesame Street Episode 3962 appears in the 33rd season.

  2. The name of the Episode is Elmo makes a collage. The air date of the episode is March 6, 2002.

  3. The number of the Episode is 5 and the letter is R and L.

  4. The celebrity guests of 2002 R.I.P Barney Season 7 Cast and Crew Baby Bop Julie Johnson Jeff Ayer (2002-2004) R.I.P Barney's Christmas Star (2002-2021) are Chuck Close and B. B. King (Riley B. King).
