Watch Elmo's World Jumping

Elmo's World Jumping

            Elmo and Dorothy welcomes the audiences, when Elmo talks jumping drawer enters the scene, later we see other furniture jump like door and window. Elmo opens the door and a short video clip begins in it. There are jumping kids.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Jumping

Dorothy's Question

            Dorothy has a question, she has a miniature cow jumping over the moon. And she asks how you jump over the objects.  Mr. Noodle is there to answer question, Elmo jumps when asking Dorothy’s question to him. Mr Noodle has a hurdle, he should jump over it, but he misunderstands and instead of jumping, he walks around it and runs under it. Finally he is able to do it, jumps over the hurdle.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Jumping Dorothy's Question

 Kids and Baby

            There are some kids here to show Dorothy how to jump, first a girl jumps over a rock, also a boy jumps over a puddle. Elmo talks with a baby.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Jumping Kids and Baby

Elmo's Question

            Sesame Street Elmo's World Jumping continues with Elmo's Question. Elmo asks the viewer how many CGI jumping beans there are. He counts thirteen CGI jumping beans.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Jumping Elmo's Question


            Elmo asks something or someone jumps. He asks a rope can jump, of course cannot, we can jump with rope. Count is here too. He jumps and counts how many times he jumps. He jumps four times.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Jumping Quiz

Video E-Mail

There is a video e-mail. It is from Zoe. Zoe shows different types of ballet jumps. She tries to dance well. It is very funny video e-mail from Zoe.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Jumping Video E-Mail


            Today there is a short video from Elmo’s friend CJ. They have a sack race with his classmates. They enjoy so much, ıt becomes a good race. Kids jump very much to become first.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Jumping Film

TV Cartoon

            There is a cartoon in The Jumping Channel. In the cartoon there is a Jumping Lady. She has a performance on hip hop song, dances with jumping.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Jumping TV Cartoon


            It is interview time; Elmo opens the door and meets a pogo stick. He talks with pogo stick. Elmo uses pogo stick and jumps.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Jumping Interview

Tickle Me Land

            Dorothy has a dream about Elmo, she imagines Elmo when skydiving and ski jumping. Elmo does these two things very successful. At the end of the video, Elmo, Dorothy and pogo stick sing a jumping song and they say goodbye to the viewers. Sesame Street Elmo's World Jumping video ends.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Jumping Tickle Me Land

Sesame Street Elmo's World Jumping song

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  1. Elmo's World Cameras Coming Next
