Sesame Street Episode 1317 - Trip to Puerto Rico, Day 2

Sesame Street Episode 1317
Trip to Puerto Rico — Day 2
Season 11

Sesame Street Episode 1317

Sesame Street Episode 1317

Sesame Street Episode 1317

Sesame Street Episode 1317 appears in the 11th season. The name of the Episode is Trip to Puerto Rico - Day 2. The air date of the episode is November 27, 1979. The number of the Episode is 3 and the letters are A, B.


  1. 12th Sesaon

  2. A young child announces the sponsors entirely in Spanish (sponsor translation in English): SESAME STREET WAS BROUGHT TO TODAY BY THE LETTERS A, B AND BY THE NUMBER 3. SESAME STREET IS A PRODUCTION OF THE CHILDREN'S TELEVISION WORKSHOP.
