Watch Elmo's World Dancing

Sesame Street Elmo's World Dancing

Guess what Elmo is thinking about today?

Elmo sees the door move so he opens it and sees a group of dancers who are dancing the can-can.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Dancing

Dorothy’s Question

Dorothy wants to know how you dance.

The Noodle Family

The Shade opens after dancing a bit and we see Mr. Noodle, who is about to show us how you dance. Then he dances a while but when the kids tell him to stop, he can’t! So he continues dancing until the shade closes again.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Dancing

Kids and Baby

Kids show Dorothy how they dance and Elmo asks a Baby how it dances in its jumper and after a while, Elmo starts dancing with the Baby.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Dancing

Elmo’s Question

Elmo counts, how many Elephants can dance on a truck.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Dancing


Elmo tells us what can dance and whatnot. He tells us that a Mailbox can’t dance but Elmo can dance while mailing a letter. Birthday cakes can’t dance, too but Elmo can dance at a birthday party. Phones also can’t dance but Elmo can dance while talking to someone on the phone. Trash cans can’t except Oscar’s can.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Dancing


Elmo’s friends Victor and Shelby tell Elmo all about them learning to tap dance.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Dancing

TV Cartoon

The Lecture Lady shows us how to dance the Hokey Pokey.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Dancing

Tickle Me Land

Dorothy imagines Elmo dancing the Flamenco, the hula and, Elmo’s favorite dance, the Twirl around, and fall down a dance.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Dancing

Home Video

Elmo recorded a video with his camera showing Zoe dancing a happy dance with Elmo proceeding to dance with her.


Elmo sings the Dance Song and says goodbye to the viewers. Sesame Street Elmo’s World Dancing video ends.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Dancing